Building Strong Bones
Strong bones help us all live active, full lives. A fellow naturopathic doctor has written an excellent book on bone health: Fracture-Proof Your Bones: A Comprehensive Guide to Osteoporosis.The bones in your body are changing all the time. The great thing about that is that each day you can make choices to build stronger bones.
One chapter that I found particularly helpful discussed medications that can weaken bones. These include acid blockers and antidepressants. In my practice, I have seen women in their 20s and 30s break bones without a serious injury. These are women in the prime of their lives when their peak bone mass should be at its strongest. There is so much more to bone health than calcium and vitamin D and medications can be part of the picture.
The book discusses diet, exercise, sleep and supplements. I mentioned that there is more to bone health than calcium and vitamin D but both are still vital. In fact, calcium and vitamin D reduce fracture risk by 10-23%. The book includes a great chart on the calcium content of foods. There are some high calcium stars like chickpeas, mustard greens, almonds, and hazelnuts. If you want to learn more, please check out the book below.
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Fracture-Proof Your Bones: A Comprehensive Guide to Osteoporosis